Friday, July 22, 2011

Expression Through Clothing and Music

       Students have a right to express their self’s at school whether it’s through clothing or music. That is their right. Although many students express themselves too far, it is still their right. College is a hard time for students, trying to figure out where they fit in and if they can make it through the semester. Sometimes expressing style is something that makes you feel comfortable. James Hinmon should never have been judged for the way he wore his hair or his clothing. It should have been that all that mattered was if he was doing well in school. And the teachers should not have ignored him because of these reasons. Expressing oneself is how we make it in life, letting out true colors shine. Dress is a way of expression and one should not be stereotyped for that.
     College students have stressful times from exams to just making friends. Most of the time it can come down to what genre of music you listen too. That is another way in them expressing themselves. Although Rap music gives off certain themes or an idea that does not always mean that someone is going to fall into that way of life. It sometimes can mean that it is a way for someone to relate in life. Maybe it was something they went through and one of the favorite Rap singers or groups has a song that relates. Therefor one should not be stereotyped for the way they dress or the music they listen too. Although, when going for an interview it requires a certain dress code; if one was to go for an interview, there would be a chance of not getting the job because of the way they had dressed.  Wearing baggy jeans and a big chain necklace to an interview is not the way to get a job.
     Expressions are everywhere in clothing or music and it can have some effect on people; Clothing, in general. Although one does wear certain clothing in school they should not be locked out of getting conversation with their instructor. However, there should be some kind of boundary when it comes to certain situations.  Students should not be turned down due to the way they dress or the clothing that they wear.  Even down to rap music, some just like it for the beat and others find a way to relate to it. Teachers have to do their job and even though most are from different generations they have to see that students have to express themselves.  James Hinmon has rights to dress the way he wants and wear his hair the way he wants his only human and he had to express himself.

The article relating to this topic can be found in Pop Perspectives pages 559-566.

Gray-Rosendale, L., & Evelyn, J. (2008).  " The Miseducation of Hip-Hop- Discrimination in Education" (Pgs. 559-566).Pop Perspectives: Reading to Critique Contemporary Culture. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures" Written by Neil Postman and Steve Powers

     In this article Neil Postman and Steve Powers talk about the different types of language and the different types of pictures used in television. One type of Pictures used in television is moving pictures, this type is something that goes into depth, and for instance, it has sound and motions. A stationary picture is just a picture with no sound or motion. It is something that is just captured by a camera.  Each of these kinds of pictures all holds a certain language. The language is how we take the picture, what we describe it as and how we view it. Postman and Powers describe how each of these images effects television and the people behind it and the differences between journalist and anchorman.  They have examined all the different types and broken them down so the reader can understand them.
     Although journalists do take time to get every aspect of the story and make sure that they understand it before broadcasting it on television for millions of viewer to see. It is important that the anchorman do the same as well. It would be terrible to set down and watch the news and see that someone did not get the story correct. With those millions of people watching as well, it would seem as if they did not take the time to get the correct details. The News is something that everyone seems to watch and critique differently, details, pictures and the language (how it is stated) needs to be set.
This article can be found in the following Book: Pop Perspectives: Readings to Critique Contemporary Culture, Located on pages 482-489.

Postman, N., Powers, S., & Gray-Rosendale, L. (2008). "The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures". Pop Perspectives: Readings to Critique Contemporary Culture. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Force: Volkswagon Commercial

     This video can be viewed at

     The family in this video are trying to make there child seem as if he has Darth Vaders powers. It is about a little boy who is trying to be Darth Vador and in the event in trying his family is making him believe that he does have the powers needed. The mother in this video made the child think that a peanut butter sandwich magically appeared by the powers of his hands. While the father pushes a button to make the car make a sound so the child thinks that he has done that all by himself.

     Darth Vader has been a big hit from the movie 'Star Wars'. Everyone has seen those movies, they own them on dvd or have some collectibles from the movies. The movie was a huge hit and Darth Vader was an important character to this film, seeing that he was the enemy.

Although, the child thinks he is Darth Vader, the family is trying to help him accomplish this by playing along. Parents have always done their best to help their children succeed in anything in which they choose. They will do whatever they can to make sure their child is happy. Even if it is to make sandwiches appear or turn on hit a button so the car lights up, as long as their child is happy, they are happy.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Justin Beiber Ft. Ludacris singing "Baby"

The video to "Baby" by Justin Beiber ft. Ludacris can be found at

This video portrays the image of  young teenager who once fell in love but lost it. The teenagers in this video dance with each other by taking sides, girls versus boys, for instance. Justin beiber begans by hanging out with his guy friends then makes his way to the girl across the bowling alley, while dancing toward her. Dancing is something that rarely happens at the typical bowling alley.

Most teenagers do not hang out at a bowling alley, most commonly they hang out at the movies or the mall with their friends. Teenagers would rather be texting their friends or shopping instead of hanging out a bowling alley. Maybe if it as fun as Justin Beiber made it seem in the video, they may get another point of view about it. Maybe they would even quit worrying about what their friends think and just have fun for once.

Justin Beiber and Ludacris is not much a shock. Justin Beiber has made it big since he began singing. Most usually the new artist record with a artist that has made it big in the music industry. Although Justin Beiber is classified as a "Pop" artist and Ludacris is more of a "Hip-Hop" artist.  Many new artist have certain artist of different genres of music that they consider an idol and once realizing that a chance could come up to sing with that person, their going to take it. This is something that seems to be happening alot in the music industry.

Although, many teenagers do not just break out and start dancing in a bowling alley, this was a good video. In reality, music is played and lights are flashing during night time at the bowling alley. Also, teenagers do not usually have a dance off at a bowling alley. This video was more about the actual location then what the song describes. The song is about losing a girl and there was bits and pieces of that in the video, but  the video was mainly just about dancing.